Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lets Go Exploring

What little I know of child prostitution is enough to infuriate me. I know that it takes place in different areas of the world, I first heard of it's existance in Moscow, Russia. When deciding what human right's topic to focus on, I read Nicholas D. Kristof's Girls For Sale, and discovered that child prostitution was also happening in Cambodia. What does this say of the overall culture and values of the Cambodian and Russian people, as in most cases, brothels can only exist with customers. One may even go as far to say that the younger prostitutes, anywhere from age 10 and older has customers that may be considered pedophiles. Pedophilia is severely looked down upon in American society, our image of the countries that allow this to occur will and should be damaged.
How often and where does this occur? How may it be stopped? What are the long standing emotional effects to the woman, customers and we as spectators of this evil? Noone deserves to be thrown into a life of prostitution, which is an abusive profesion by definition.
Sources that could be credible to me are news sources on the internet and different human right's activist's writings and studies of such. I could even research what the actual government of chosen countries say about the issue at hand. Sources that may bring a new perspective could be videos of the living conditions of the areas where child prositution run rampant. It would bring a heightened understanding of why these girls are thrown into the life they live. Different opinions could be hard to swallow, but I can try to find out why these girls are placed in this line of work. I will search and see who has a more major problem in terms of numbers, and will focus my research on that particular region.

What can be done to stop child prostitution?

Accessed October 7, 2008 Girls For Sale ,published Janurary 17, 2004 by Nicholas D. Kristof on New York Times website.

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