Thursday, October 2, 2008

My thoughts on the internet.

Technology has grown leaps and bounds since the birth of the internet. We have grown from Web 1.0, a simple imput of data was available. This has changed dramatically in the emergence of social networks and the much broader expansion of data. With websites such as facebook, commnity is established electronically with each member responsible for imputing data. Essentially, we can live two or more different lives, how we conduct ourselves in person versus how we present ourselves online. Online, it is much more of a fantasy world, because no one can prove data wrong. A 300 pound man can claim that he is a noted ballerina and it is highly probable that some may believe him. This leads me to the concept of Big Brother. Through the emergence of web 2.0, IP addresses can be tracked. This means that whenever a website is accessed, the frequency and legnth of such can and is tracked and noted.

What does this mean for us as a society? That even in our homes, we are watched through our actions on the internet. It seems somewhat different to go to a store and know that a camera is on, as it protects the safety of the consumers and the store. To choose to go to a particular website seems to infringe upon a right to privacy, should everybody's specific actions be documented? It was our choice to walk into a store, who's choice is it to walk into our IP history?
We as a people are becoming accustomed to this through the means of a participatory panopticon. We are only slightly if not at all aware of being watched. We are being watched without knowing who is watching and when. A big brother is always watching and monitoring our actions. Little brothers, as the society has now become respect and accept this.
ut is it a bad thing, to be monitored constantly, even if the information that is produced is never looked at, even if on file? I believe that even though the advancement in technology can prove helpful, as a means of reducing internet related crime by the aforementioned constant documentation, there must be a limit. People cannot function correctly without a least a little privacy. There must be a defined line to who can access this information, when and under what circumstances.
As for who I want to be online, I want to be a much more introverted part of myself, more professional, for I don't know who can bring up any personal information that could be posted, so I avoid it. Anonymity would help this, but nothing I could ever say would be credible without respsonibility taken for my words.

All Accessed 10/2/07
"Have we all become little brother?"

"Explaining Web 1.0..."

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